Welcome to Wake Forest Fire Department Recruitment:

Saving Lives, Our Prime Goal

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Some of the more commonly asked questions answered!

Q: How old do you have to be to enter the Academy?

A: Participants must be at least 18 years old to enter the Fire Academy?

Q: Is there an upper age limit or an age maximum?

A: There is no age cap.

Q: How long does the program last?

A: The Fire Academy is approximately nine months in duration.

Q: Do I have to have any previous training, classes or experience?

A: No experience is needed!

Q: If I am already certified, can I apply?

A: While anyone can apply, the Fire Academy is designed to introduce untrained candidates to a career in Fire Service.

Q: Is the Academy a Full-Time commitment?  Can I also attend school or work another job?

A: The Academy is designed to be a full-time educational and training program.  Participants receive a full salary during their training so they can focus their time and attention on the material presented.

Q: If I was not selected for a previous Academy do I need to reapply?

A: Yes, in order to be considered, previous candidates will need to reapply.

Q: Are there any benefits associated with being a Fire Recruit employee?

A: Yes!  Recruits receive the same benefits any newly hired, full-time employee receive.  You can check them out HERE!

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